Newsletter subject lines
The subject line of an email is an important factor in getting it read, and that is no less important for an enewsletter. Personally, I think it is useful to start the subject the same way for every...
View ArticleSending a Christmas message
We’re heading for Christmas and most businesses are trying to be prepared for the December rush. Many businesses send a Christmas email to their customers, supporters and suppliers so here are some...
View ArticleHave promotional articles seen their day?
On Sunday I wrote about the value of promotional articles, but I thing there is another important question – have they be over used? are they just a waste of time? My answer – no! There are certainly a...
View ArticleDoes it make sense?
I just read a blog post that jumped topics so I thought I’d give you a quick reminder to watch the flow of anything you write. In the example I just read, one paragraph was an overview of a business...
View ArticleChoosing a newsletter format to suit
As a communications person, I do more for clients than just write. Recently, I reviewed the newsletter process for a client. Initially, they were sending out a paper based newsletter but introduced an...
View ArticleMeaningful posts that people love to read
I’m going out on a limb here but I assume you write blog posts and articles because you want people to read them for some reason (promote your business, share your point of view, etc). If I’m wrong,...
View ArticleGetting blog content ideas
Beyond my usual tips of how to find content in your blog, I thought I’d share some ideas on how to find content that may attract more readers from external sources. use a keyword tool to find the...
View ArticleCosts of a newsletter
For many businesses, sending out a regular newsletter is an effective marketing strategy. So I sometimes get asked how much it costs to produce a newsletter. There is no clear answer to that, but here...
View ArticleMaking topics seasonal
My January enewsletter resulted in the question of how to make your blog or newsletter topic seasonal occasionally to generate timely interest and show an external connection. Don’t assume you can only...
View ArticleReviewing the usefulness of old content links
Old content can still be good or it can be out dated, depending on the topic and the opinions given. Since May 2012, I have ended each month with a blog post referring back to some of my old content...
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